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Rabu, 26 Januari 2011

คุณคนเดียว สามารถเปลี่ยนชีวิตของคนทั้งครอบครัวได้

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The book is largely based on Kiyosaki's upbringing and education in Hawaii. The book highlights the different attitudes to money, work and life of two men, and how they in turn influenced key decisions in Kiyosaki's life.

Among some of the book's topics are:

- the value of financial intelligence
- that corporations spend first, then pay taxes, while individuals must pay taxes first
- that corporations are artificial entities that anyone can use, but the poor usually don't know how
According to Kiyosaki and Lechter, wealth is measured as the number of days the income from your assets will sustain you, and financial independence is achieved when your monthly income from assets exceeds your monthly expenses. Each dad had a different way of teaching his son.

A Personal Message from Robert

My life changed for the better because of a handful of chance meetings with the right people. From early talks with my “Rich Dad” to transformative visits with visionaries like Buckminster Fuller and Donald Trump, I was fortunate to find teachers who helped me understand the true nature of wealth and how to create it for myself.

The insights I gained from these people are still bearing fruit in my life today and because of them, my mission, passion and purpose is to pass them on to as many people as I can. Did you know that lack of information is the number one barrier to wealth? People often hear me quote the old proverb that if you give a man a fish, you feed him for a day. TEACH a man to fish and you feed him for a lifetime!

Rich Dad Education and Rich Dad Coaching exist to transform lives through the power of financial literacy. If you want to master any new skill, whether it’s learning a sport, flying an airplane, or becoming a successful investor, you have to get the right mix of theory and practice…strategy and tactics…research and real-world application. Rich Dad Education and Rich Dad Coaching have been designed by experts to address both aspects of this learning process in a balanced way that will help you realize your growth potential.

Rich Dad Education gives you the big picture and background information from today’s greatest teachers in the world of finance. Rich Dad Coaching puts that learning to work with personalized strategies and mentoring plans to help you set attainable goals and follow a realistic, step-by-step plan to reach them. Don’t leave your financial education to chance! Explore the life changing resources available through Rich Dad Education and Rich Dad Coaching today and choose the options that are best for YOU.


The book is largely based on Kiyosaki's upbringing and education in Hawaii. The book highlights the different attitudes to money, work and life of two men, and how they in turn influenced key decisions in Kiyosaki's life.

Among some of the book's topics are:

- the value of financial intelligence
- that corporations spend first, then pay taxes, while individuals must pay taxes first
- that corporations are artificial entities that anyone can use, but the poor usually don't know how
According to Kiyosaki and Lechter, wealth is measured as the number of days the income from your assets will sustain you, and financial independence is achieved when your monthly income from assets exceeds your monthly expenses. Each dad had a different way of teaching his son.

A Personal Message from Robert

My life changed for the better because of a handful of chance meetings with the right people. From early talks with my “Rich Dad” to transformative visits with visionaries like Buckminster Fuller and Donald Trump, I was fortunate to find teachers who helped me understand the true nature of wealth and how to create it for myself.

The insights I gained from these people are still bearing fruit in my life today and because of them, my mission, passion and purpose is to pass them on to as many people as I can. Did you know that lack of information is the number one barrier to wealth? People often hear me quote the old proverb that if you give a man a fish, you feed him for a day. TEACH a man to fish and you feed him for a lifetime!

Rich Dad Education and Rich Dad Coaching exist to transform lives through the power of financial literacy. If you want to master any new skill, whether it’s learning a sport, flying an airplane, or becoming a successful investor, you have to get the right mix of theory and practice…strategy and tactics…research and real-world application. Rich Dad Education and Rich Dad Coaching have been designed by experts to address both aspects of this learning process in a balanced way that will help you realize your growth potential.

Rich Dad Education gives you the big picture and background information from today’s greatest teachers in the world of finance. Rich Dad Coaching puts that learning to work with personalized strategies and mentoring plans to help you set attainable goals and follow a realistic, step-by-step plan to reach them. Don’t leave your financial education to chance! Explore the life changing resources available through Rich Dad Education and Rich Dad Coaching today and choose the options that are best for YOU.


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