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Minggu, 13 Februari 2011

How do you connect 2 computers with a crossover cable?

Buy cable crossovers in our shop.

Question by whishywashi: How do you connect 2 computers with a crossover cable? I successully made a crossover cable and have both of them assigned to the workgroup, tried assigning an IP address, but still was unsuccessful. Best answer:

Answer by Mark
If the 2 computers are not in the same network then they will not be able to connect to each other. Try giving them the following ip address and subnet masks: host 1 - host 2 - Don't set a gateway. Make sure they're in the same workgroup by going to System Properties (or "System", there go to the "Computer Name" tab). Start with both computers turned off, join to the workgroup, set ips, and restart. Then your respective computers should show up under my network places.

Give your answer to this question below!


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