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Kamis, 17 Februari 2011

Should i split my upper body workout into 3 consecutive days?

Buy Upper body workout in our shop.

Question by Brandon: Should i split my upper body workout into 3 consecutive days? For the past 8 months I have been working out my upper body 3 days a week, monday, wednesday, and saturday. And each upper body day i workout the same muscles. If I started splitting my upper body muscles into 3 consecutive days but repeating that twice in a week would i see better results or should i just stick with my current workout plan. Best answer:

Answer by shoney
I think you would see best results if you split your upper body apart, and did different muscles every day. Do chest, triceps, rhomboids, trapezoids and deltoids one day, and biceps, forearms, lats, teres, infraspinatus and lower back the next day. If you are only focusing on upper body, then alternate between those 3 times, for 6 days a week. Do different exercises for each workout though, don't just repeat the same stuff every second day.

What do you think? Answer below!


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