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Selasa, 15 Februari 2011

Trainer opens private gym in St. Helena

Buy Upper body workout in our shop.

Good Upper Body Workout Upper body workout
Image by jemsweb Flying Harry!

Trainer opens private gym in St. Helena If you notice nothing else about Lorenzo White, you can't help but notice his chiseled and fit body. Wearing a tank top, his muscular arms and shoulders stand out. Talk to him for a minute or two and you'll learn his twin passions are body building and health. Read more on Napa Valley Register

Pushups most effective workout for your chest There's a reason why pushups are recommended for toning your upper body — because they work."It still is one of the very best upper-body exercises to do," says Bob Moles, 69, a personal trainer at the Jackson YMCA, 127 W.... Read more on The Jackson Citizen Patriot


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