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Senin, 21 Februari 2011

What is the easiest way to lose weight when I have limited access too....?

Buy Rope pulling machine in our shop.

Question by Justin Park: What is the easiest way to lose weight when I have limited access too....? I'm 5'6" and weigh 156. I need to lose weight. What would be the easiest way to lose weight when I have access to: a pull up bar bicycle machine home gym [thing with all the weight training stuff] jump rope Best answer:

Answer by b_chaotic
The resources you have are not "limited"m they're more then enough to help you lose weight. The most basic steps to losing weight is cardio, and a proper diet. Since you have a home gym you can workout well enough, however exercise is just one component of losing weight. Diet is the most major. You're not gonna really lose weight eating junk food and all those sugar foods. You need to eat healthy and smart, 4-6 small portions a day, plenty of water (gallon is good). Then you can do exercise such as running or lifting. Go to for more info on training schedules, diets etc..

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